
Supporting School Community Wellness with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) During and After a Pandemic

Cipriano, C., Rappolt-Schlichtmann, G., & Brackett, M.A. (2020). Supporting School Community Wellness with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) During and After a Pandemic, Edna Bennet Pierce Prevention Research Center, Pennsylvania State University.

The glass is half empty: Negative self-appraisal bias and attenuated neural response to positive self-judgement in adolescence

Ke, T., Wu, J., Willner, C. J., Brown, Z., Banz, B., van Noordt, S., Waters, A. C., & Crowley, M. J. (2020). The glass is half empty: Negative self-appraisal bias and attenuated neural response to positive self-judgement in adolescence.

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High school students’ feelings: Discoveries from a large national survey and an experience sampling study

Moeller, J., Brackett, M. A., Ivcevic, Z., & White, A. E. (2019, August 7). High school students’ feelings: Discoveries from a large national survey and an experience sampling study. Preprint. Retrieved from osf.io/f3k87, doi: 10.31219/osf.io/f3k87

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One-month stability of Cyberball post-exclusion ostracism distress in adolescents

Davidson, C. A., Willner, C. J., van Noordt, S. J. R., Banz, B. C., Wu, J., Kenney, J. G., Johannsen, J. K., & Crowley, M. J. (2019). One-month stability of Cyberball post-exclusion ostracism distress in adolescents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, online first. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-019-09723-4

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Exploring Changes in Student Engagement through the RULER Approach: An Examination of Students At Risk of Academic Failure

Cipriano, C., Barnes, T., Rivers, S., & Brackett, M.A. (2019). Exploring Changes in Student Engagement through the RULER Approach: An Examination of Students At Risk of Academic Failure, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 10.1080/10824669.2018.1524767

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Multilevel analysis of student and teacher perceptions of classroom support during early adolescence

Cipriano, C., Barnes, T., Pieloch, K. A , Brackett, M., and Rivers, S. (2018). Multilevel analysis of student and teacher perceptions of classroom support during early adolescence, Journal of Learning Environment Research.

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Supporting improvements in classroom climate for students and teachers with the four pillars of wellbeing curriculum

Bradley, C., Cordaro, D. T., Zhu, F., Vildostegui, M., Han, R. J., Brackett, M., & Jones, J. (2018). Supporting improvements in classroom climate for students and teachers with the four pillars of wellbeing curriculum. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 245.

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Building emotionally intelligent schools: From preschool to high school and beyond

Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Building emotionally intelligent schools: From preschool to high school and beyond. In D. Saklofske, J. Parker & K. Keefer (Eds.). Springer Handbook of Emotional Intelligence in Education (pp. 173-198). New York: Springer

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Personality, coping, and school wellbeing: An investigation of high school students

Evans, P., Martin, A. J., & Ivcevic, Z. (2018). Personality, coping, and school wellbeing: An investigation of high school students. Social Psychology of Education. 21(5), 1061–1080. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-018-9456-8

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Applying an equity lens to social, emotional, and academic development

Simmons, D., Brackett, M., & Adler, N. (2018). Applying an equity lens to social, emotional, and academic development. Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Center, Pennsylvania State University.

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Gender identity and sexual identity labels used by US high school students: A co-occurrence network analysis

White, A. E., Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Gender identity and sexual identity labels used by US high school students: A co-occurrence network analysis. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 5(2), 243.

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Breadth of emotion vocabulary in early adolescence

Bazhydai, M., Ivcevic, Z., Widen, S., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Breadth of emotion vocabulary in early adolescence. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality https://doi.org/10.1177/0276236618765403

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Validating the Emotion Focused Interactions Scale for Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions

Cipriano, C., Barnes, T., Kolev, L., Rivers, S., Brackett, M. (2018). Validating the Emotion Focused Interactions Scale for Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions. Journal of Learning Environment Research. 10.1007/s10984-018-9264-2

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Intended persistence: Comparing academic and creative challenges in high school

Hoffmann, J., Ivcevic, Z., Zamora, G., Bazhydai, M., & Brackett, M. (2016). Intended persistence: Comparing academic and creative challenges in high school. Social Psychology of Education, 19, 1-22.

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Bullying intervention in adolescence: The intersection of legislation, policies, and behavioral change

Swearer, S. M., Martin, M., Brackett, M., & Palacios, R. A. (2016). Bullying intervention in adolescence: The intersection of legislation, policies, and behavioral change. Adolescent research review, 2(1), 23-35.

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