Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress (National Course)

A course designed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence to help school staff better manage their emotions and create supportive learning environments for students.

If you are an educator or staff member from a school in Connecticut (CT) or Rhode Island (RI), there is a specific grant-funded version of the course for you. For information for: 

*CT schools, please contact
*RI schools, please contact 
Rosemary at the Rhode Island Department of Education.

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Praise for Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty and Stress

Alisha Price, 6th Grade Teacher-Leader, Hallen School, Bridgeport, CT

Alisha Price, 6th Grade Teacher-Leader, Hallen School, Bridgeport, CT

This course is extremely relevant and timely. Particularly in these challenging times, educators will benefit from the strategies presented both professionally and personally. The course content enables teachers and students to manage their emotions and promote well-being.
— Alisha Price, 6th Grade Teacher-Leader, Hallen School, Bridgeport, CT
Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers

Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers

We are living at a time with no modern precedent: we are in the midst of a health pandemic, an economic recession, and a long overdue reckoning with racism. People are scared, frustrated, and anxious. We need to be able to manage the compounded stress and trauma everyone is experiencing, and this course is a tool to do that. The more we can equip our teachers to handle what we’re inevitably going to see in the classroom—in person or remotely—the more we will be able to manage our way through these global crises.
— Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers
Marc Brackett, Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author, Permission To Feel

Marc Brackett, Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author, Permission To Feel

Research shows that where there is an emotionally skilled adult present, students focus more, disrupt less, and perform better academically. These adults also have lower levels of stress and burnout, fewer intentions to leave the profession, greater job satisfaction, and more engaging classrooms.
— Marc Brackett, Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author, Permission To Feel

What Learners Are Saying About the Course

This course was piloted in the state of Connecticut starting in September 2020. To date, 23,000 school staff have registered, and over 94% of those who completed the course said they were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the course as a whole. Below are anecdotes from learners who have competed the course.

I greatly appreciated the course’s emphasis on improving the well-being of the student as an individual first and then as an educator/school leader. Most programs focus on our professional roles, leaving personal growth to the abilities of the individual student. This course took a radically different approach and presented the information in a way that honored the dignity of the individual.
— Learner
I found the course content to be inspiring. The most helpful part was the way the course was broken down into segments. It did not make it overwhelming. I liked the various strategies which are easy to incorporate into our daily lessons. It is extremely stressful to be a teacher today. This course helped bring concerns to the forefront while offering suggestions/action steps to help problem-solve and brings things to perspective.
— Learner
I can already see the course helping me to be more aware of my emotions both at work and at home. I am stepping back, breathing, and listening more intently to others as well as to myself. One point in the ‘defining thought strategies’ section struck me as an excellent starting point for my next newsletter. I also loved the opportunities to reflect and really digest what the course is offering.
— Learner
I found the coping strategies to be most useful, especially because there were examples specific to how we as teachers can apply them to our lives and teach them to our students. I was also intrigued by the concept of expanding my emotional vocabulary. Not only can this help me better understand my own emotions and how to cope with them, but it can also help students do this as well. Furthermore, it can help us all clearly communicate how we’re feeling.
— Learner

Please direct all media inquiries to Erin Brough at