
Computerized social-emotional assessment measures for early childhood settings

Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Zinsser, K. M., Bradburn, I. S., Bailey, C. S., Shewark, E. S. Ferrier, D. E., Liverette, K. H., Steed, J., Karalus, S. P., & Kianpour, S. (2020). Computerized social-emotional assessment measures for early childhood settings. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 55–66.

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Development of the Home Executive Function Environment (HEFE) Scale: Assessing its relation to preschoolers’ executive function

Korucu, I., Rolan, E., Napoli, A. R., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2019). Development of the Home Executive Function Environment (HEFE) Scale: Assessing its relation to preschoolers’ executive function. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 9-19.

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Multilevel analysis of student and teacher perceptions of classroom support during early adolescence

Cipriano, C., Barnes, T., Pieloch, K. A , Brackett, M., and Rivers, S. (2018). Multilevel analysis of student and teacher perceptions of classroom support during early adolescence, Journal of Learning Environment Research.

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Validating the Recognizing Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELATE) Tool for Special Education Classrooms

Barnes, T. Cipriano, C., Flynn, L., Rivers, S., & Xu, W. (2018). Validating the Recognizing Excellence in Learning and Teaching (RELATE) Tool for Special Education Classrooms. Journal of Experimental Education. 10.1080/00220973.2018.1465383

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Applying the Classroom Assessment Scoring System in Special Education Classrooms Serving Students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders

Cipriano, C., Barnes, T., Bertoli, M., & Rivers, S. (2018). Applicability of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System in Special Education Classrooms Serving Students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders. Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. 10.1080/13632752.2018.1461454

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Emotional bias in classroom observations: within-rater positive emotion predicts favorable assessments of classroom quality

Floman, J. L., Hagelskamp, C., Brackett, M. A., & Rivers, S. E. (2016). Emotional bias in classroom observations: within-rater positive emotion predicts favorable assessments of classroom quality. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35(3), 291-301.

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Improving the power of an efficacy study of a social and emotional learning program: Application of generalizability theory to the measurement of classroom-level outcomes

Mashburn, A. J., Downer, J. T., Rivers, S. E., Brackett, M. A., & Martinez, A. (2014). Improving the power of an efficacy study of a social and emotional learning program: Application of generalizability theory to the measurement of classroom-level outcomes. Prevention Science, 15(2), 146-155.

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Measuring emotional intelligence in early adolescence with the MSCEIT-YV: Psychometric properties and relationship with academic performance and psychosocial functioning

Rivers, S. E., Brackett, M. A., Reyes, M. R., Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R., & Salovey, P. (2012). Measuring emotional intelligence in early adolescence with the MSCEIT-YV: Psychometric properties and relationship with academic performance and psychosocial functioning. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(4), 344-366.

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Assessing teachers’ beliefs about social and emotional learning

Brackett, M. A., Reyes, M. R., Rivers, S. E., Elbertson, N. A., & Salovey, P. (2012). Assessing teachers’ beliefs about social and emotional learning. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(3), 219-236.

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Measuring emotional intelligence as a mental ability in adults and children

Rivers, S. E., Brackett, M. A., & Salovey, P. (2008). Measuring emotional intelligence as a mental ability in adults and children. The Sage handbook of personality theory and assessment, 2, 440-460.