2022 Marvin Maurer Award Winner: Maureen Lang

Maureen Lang is a lifelong educator and recipient of the 2022 Marvin Maurer award for school-wide and district-wide RULER implementation. Starting her career as a classroom teacher and later moving into administration, Maureen roots her work in the importance of building relationships with her colleagues, students, and their families. Early in her career, becoming a teacher was her way of ensuring she could build meaningful relationships that made a difference in others’ lives. When we asked Maureen what brings her joy, she said, “the ability to get to know other people.”

As the Executive Director of Learning Services at Academy District 20 in Colorado, Maureen and Academy District 20 began their work with RULER seven years ago. Like many schools and districts implementing RULER, integrating the approach into the fabric and culture of the community has taken Academy District 20 years. In the last few years, the district created their first strategic plan, which included RULER as their systemic approach to social and emotional learning (SEL).

Maureen with her Learning Services Leadership Team which supports the implementation of SEL in her district.

Strategy and Impact 

When RULER and SEL became an even more vital component of Academy District 20’s strategy, Maureen recognized the importance of defining SEL. Being able to clearly define what SEL is, how it benefits the district community, and how it relates to the district’s core set of values was a critical step to instill confidence, especially with parents.

Defining SEL

In speaking with Maureen, her drive for a well-rounded RULER implementation strategy, based on clear and measurable data, was balanced with passion for the relationships she has in her community. She can see the big picture and drill down to the best practices that have helped make RULER a success over the last seven years.

Start Here

Continuing to Lead the Work

Maureen’s response to winning the Marvin Maurer Award was “this is just what I do!” She emphasized that she would not be able to do this without a team of leaders and educators at Academy District 20 who have supported RULER implementation every step of the way.

Receiving the Marvin Maurer Award 

The momentum that Academy District 20 has built behind RULER and SEL is incredible and something in which Marvin Maurer would have taken deep pride. Next steps for Maureen and Academy District 20 include:

  • Aligning Colorado’s new social and emotional wellness standards with RULER classroom content

  • Analyzing new SEL survey data to be used as a baseline for future initiatives

  • Conducting focus groups with students and staff to learn more about their social and emotional needs

  • Developing and supporting the social and emotional leads at each school

On behalf of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, we feel humbled by and grateful to leaders like Maureen who make it their life’s mission to make a difference through SEL.