2021 Marvin Maurer Award Winner: Reyna Texler

Reyna Texler, the Lead SEL Teacher at the North Rockland Central School District in NY and 2021 recipient of the Marvin Maurer Award, shares her RULER  journey and how fond memories of her 5th grade teacher led her to become just like the teacher she once had as a child.

When asked why they became teachers, many educators share that they aspired to be a cherished teacher they had as a student or to become the teacher they never had.  As a young student, Reyna Texler was fortunate enough to have exemplary teachers who inspired her journey to become an educator who would positively impact the lives of her students. She credits her 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Bunyard, as one of them. Mrs. Bunyard created a physically and emotionally safe learning environment where students felt free to share their feelings because they knew that they were genuinely loved and cared for. “She made us feel like there was nothing she couldn’t help us with.”

Fast forward decades later to Reyna’s education preparation experience as she worked toward obtaining certification as a classroom teacher. She found herself drawn to learning more about addressing the social and emotional needs of students. Doing so meant implementing many of the strategies and techniques she benefited from as a 5th grader sitting in Mrs. Bunyard class. That same spark was reignited years later when the School Improvement Planning Team at her school initiated their SEL journey with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.  

Reyna is incredibly passionate and driven about integrating SEL into her practice. One of her most notable initiatives was the creation of the West Haverstraw Elementary School reflection room. The reflection room is a dedicated space where students can check in with their emotions on the Mood Meter, practice mindful breathing, touch base with Reyna, and more. When the COVID-19 pandemic closed West Haverstraw’s doors, Reyna took action. Having witnessed the benefits of the reflection room, she knew that her students needed a virtual option. Leveraging her creativity, tech-savvy, and care for her students, Reyna created the North Rockland Virtual Reflection Room. Here, students and their families experiencing a range of emotions could continue growing their emotion skills. 

“RULER has helped me to grow both personally and professionally. It has helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the science of emotions and how they influence every aspect of our lives,” she states. “The RULER skills have helped me to communicate my feelings, become a better listener, have greater empathy, give myself and those I connect with permission to not only feel but have a healthy relationship with the full spectrum of our emotions. I’m a better wife, friend, family member, and educator because of it!”
— Reyna Texler

When asked about Reyna’s candidacy for the Marvin Maurer Award, Dr. Marc Brackett has this to say:  

“Reyna’s dedication to creating more positive learning environments for students is inspirational. From her RULER hallway boards to her social media inspiration, to the incredible ways she has leveraged technology to continue RULER implementation with students and their families, Reyna is an educator my Uncle Marvin would admire.” The RULER community is grateful for Reyna. Without a doubt, Mrs. Bunyard would be proud. 

Dr. Marc Brackett and Reyna Texler at the 2020 RULER Implementation Conference.

Reyna is a respected SEL thought leader and influential voice who can be found serving as a keynote speaker sharing the importance of making families an instrumental part of the RULER process. Learn more about Reyna by following her on Twitter @Ruby_SneakersRT and on Instagram @reyna_rubysneakers.