Shengjie Lin, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate

Shengjie Lin, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral associate at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. His research involves a sociocultural examination of the role of emotion and achievement motivation in students’ learning, creativity, and well-being. Shengjie is also interested in investigating how sibling status influences children and adolescents’ emotional development as well as health outcomes.

Shengjie joined the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence after receiving a Ph.D. in educational psychology and a master’s degree in quantitative methods from the University of Texas at Austin (UT). He was also a graduate student trainee at the UT Population Research Center. His work at the Center focuses on examining individuals’ emotions and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic from the large-scale longitudinal How We Feel project.

Shengjie’s pronouns are he/him/his.