Kaveri Sehgal, B.A.

Postgraduate Associate

Kaveri Sehgal is a postgraduate associate at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence working under the mentorship of Dr. Christina Cipriano. Prior to joining Yale, Kaveri worked as an educator at Teach for India over a period of one year. Here, she led a class of elementary students belonging to underprivileged economic backgrounds. Her experiences of teaching the students during the pandemic ignited an interest in her towards Social Emotional Learning and the well-being of students as well as educators. During this time, she was also leading the Partnerships and Research verticals at Project Kaleidoscope, an initiative that aims towards building inclusive mindsets in educators. 

Kaveri holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Delhi. While in college, she was an active member of Kahkasha, the theatre society of her college for which she won many accolades. As someone who is fascinated by reading research papers, Kaveri, along with her college batchmates, has been co-authoring and researching for a book that talks about the lived experiences of people with disabilities. The book is in its final stages of reviewing and will soon be published. In the past, she has also been a part of a Mental Health Advocacy Program coordinated by Fortis Healthcare, where she left a mark by creating mental health awareness through the use of social media. 

Having worked for children with disabilities as a part of an internship, Kaveri is passionate about working in the area of Social-Emotional Learning. She is also fond of baking and sharing her recipes with her loved ones on her Instagram page @zaltyandzugary. Other than cooking during her spare time, you would often find her exploring cafes or art supply stores.