Kalee De France, Ph. D.

Postdoctoral Associate

Kalee De France, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral associate in the Adolescent Initiatives Team at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Dr. De France received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

Dr. De France originally completed her undergraduate degree in Criminology and Psychology, and worked as a counselor for justice-involved youth. Since beginning graduate school, her research has largely focused on how, and how well, youth manage their emotional experiences, as well as the consequences these have for wellbeing. She is also passionate about extending our understanding of how exposure to early adverse environments, such as growing up in poverty, can shape children’s emotion and emotion regulation development. Finally, she is enthusiastic about meaningful research-practice connections, particularly as they pertain to socioemotional training programs.