
Bonnie Brown, M.S. Ed.

Senior Coach and Trainer

Bonnie Brown, M.S. Ed., is a senior coach and trainer for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. She is a career educator who served for over 30 years in the New York City Department of Education and adjoining school districts. She specializes in working with children who have cognitive, sensory, emotional, and learning challenges.

Until her retirement in 2010, Bonnie served as superintendent of District 75 in New York City, which serves 23,000 students with various educational challenges. As superintendent, Bonnie developed an online community for her 58 schools where administrators and teachers could participate in podcasts, webinars, meetings, and discussions. This community also served as a platform for her middle and high school students to participate in debates and practice daily living skills in a virtual world.


Since Bonnie’s retirement, she has been working as a consultant, coach, and trainer for RULER. She designed and implemented RULER’s online community, where educators from across the globe can meet, attend webinars, read current research, share student work, and discuss their successes and challenges using RULER in all types of classrooms.